Sherri Quiñones

Sherri Belinda Quinones College Web Mentor


  • Education

  • Diverse Learners

  • High School-College Transition


Undergraduate Education:
Roosevelt University, Bachelor of Science in International Business and Multicultural Studies. Bradley University: A.A. equivalent in Electrical Engineering Technology

Graduate Education:
St. Xavier University & Olivet Nazarene University Master of Education.

Master of Education PPS

Professional School Counseling Credentials: Loyola University




Sherri Quiñones believes in the child’s holistic development, that no one is expendable, and that every student has a right to access quality school counseling services and education. She is an educator credentialed in School Counseling, Administration, and Teaching. Having a Bachelor of  Science in International Business and Multicultural Studies from Roosevelt University, and A.A. equivalent in Electrical Engineering Technology from Bradley University, she earned Master of  Education degrees from St. Xavier University and Olivet Nazarene University, Professional School Counseling credentials from Loyola University, and is member of the American School Counselor  Association (ASCA).  

Having worked with children and teens in Los Angeles and Chicago, over 20 years, within both traditional and charter schools, she is a former Engineering Technician and business professional with Motorola and Sprint, which has supported her educator career as she held  positions in both school and local district levels. She pioneered with counseling teams in developing comprehensive ASCA counseling programs for all students and has experience working with  Dreamers, English Language Learners, and Special Populations while integrating germane counseling TK-12 Post-Secondary programs specific to these populations for College and Career Success.  

Sherri speaks polite Spanish and has two children (her absolute favorite people). She currently lives in the Los Angeles area and is a College and Career Consultant for families seeking  4-Year University (including the UCs/CSUs) and career preparation and planning.


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