Bianca Hechanova
Registered Nurse- Cirrus DX
Neurology Medical-Surgical/ Telemetry RN - Cedars Sinai
Surgical Telemetry RN- Glendale Adventist
Bianca Hechanova is a Registered Nurse in California. She recently stepped away from working from the hospital to seek new and innovative nursing opportunities within Los Angeles. She currently works for VIACOM CBS production company and performs covid swabbing for production teams and the entertainment industry. With her knowledge and expertise, she is able to offer new fresh insight into her experiences and will guide you through your personal and career journey.
She believes that your career is not your whole identity and will walk you through her mentorship which includes self-discovery, career advice, possible opportunities, and guidance at any stage in your journey.
Before nursing, Bianca worked in sales where she learned how to work with people and developed the skills that set her apart in the nursing world.
I wish I had a mentor before, during, and after nursing school. I will provide you my insight, real-life experiences and will help set you apart and give you the right tools for success.